Courgette and Squashes Collection by Mr Fothergill's
The Courgette and Summer Squash Collection includes one packet each of:
1) Black Beauty Glossy Courgette, very dark green fruits, good flavour and texture. Average 8 seeds.
2) Grisette de Provence Courgette, Tapering fruits, flecked with grey, popular in France. Average 8 seeds.
3) Di Nizza Courgette, Round mid green fruits, thin skin and excellent flavour. Average 8 seeds.
4) Patty Pan Squash, Pale green flattened fruits with a scallop edge, great texture. Average 8 seeds.
5) Golden Zucchini Courgette, Bright golden-yellow tender, cylindrical fruits. Average 8 seeds.
6) Yellow Scallop Squash, Bright yellow fruits with a scallop edge and distinct flavour. Average 8 seeds.
Sow indoors, March-May, 1.5cm (½”) deep, on edge, in small pots of compost. Water well and place in a warm position.
A temperature of 15-20°C (60-68°F) is ideal. Keep moist. Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days.
Gradually harden off and plant out, late May to June, when frosts are over. Allow 60cm (2’) between plants.
Or, sow outdoors in final position during May, 1.5cm (½”) deep, directly into finely prepared soil which has already been watered.
Allow 60cm (2’) between sowing positions. Sow two seeds on edge per position. Early sowings benefit from cloche protection.
Thin to leave the stronger plant. Keep plants well watered.
Harvest: July-October.
When harvesting please discard any bitter tasting fruits.
We suggest carrying out a ‘tongue tip taste test’, particularly when harvesting the first fruits from a new plant.
Try Mr Fothergill's Enriched Seed Compost. Gives your seeds an amazing boost
and helps produce stronger healthier plants.